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La Bella Lingua  |  Italian Language

Do you wish you could order wine, ask for directions or simply greet your Italian host with a friendly buongiorno on your next trip to Italy? Perhaps you'd like to participate in a lively conversation with other Italian speakers and language learners here in Vermont.


Throughout the year we offer members a chance to listen and speak Italian in a variety of settings. Additional opportunities are made available in a structured learning environment. Italian conversation groups and language classes will be announced throughout the year in the quarterly newsletter, Il Messaggio, and listed on the website. Parliamo!

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Conversation Group

The Italian conversation group meets the first and third Wednesday, monthly from 6:00-8:00pm at the Stern Center in Williston. The group is facilitated by a native Italian speaker. Free to members.  Contact for information about this and other groups in Vermont.


Language Instruction

Multi-level Italian language classes taught by Nicole Librandi.  For more information and a schedule of classes email 

Access CVU Classes

Classes available on-line and in person  Fall/Winter and Spring.  Register at

Photo Credit: Shannon Alexander Photography

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